Facility Closings
The Greenwood County Landfill and All Convenience Centers are closed on the following Holidays:
New Year's Day
July 4th (Independence Day)
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
The Road Department operates 7:00am-3:30pm the week of County Holidays.
Public Works offices are closed on established County Holidays.
Quick Links
Greenwood County Public Works Department
1115 Siloam Church Road
Greenwood, SC 29646
Hours: 7:45 - 5:30 Monday - Thursday, Closed Friday
Rob Russian, Director
email: rrussian@greenwoodsc.gov
Phone: (864) 942-8754
Jamey Smith, Deputy Director
email: jmsmtih@greenwoodsc.gov
Phone: (864) 942-3144
The Public Works Department is comprised of seven divisions that fall under the direction of the Public Works Director. The seven divisions of the department are:
Solid Waste Collection
Solid Waste Disposal
Litter Prevention
Maintains roads under the County's jurisdiction
Manufactures and installs street name signs and traffic control signs
Operates a subtitle "D" municipal Solid Waster landfill
Operates a construction, demolition, and land clearing debris landfill
Operates nine convenience centers strategically located across Greenwood County
Operates a curb-side Recycling collection program and Material Recovery Facility (MRF)
Maintains County's vehicle and equipment fleet
Provides curb-side collection of County residential yard waste
This Office Does Not:
Does not maintain state roads or roads located in cities of Greenwood, Ninety Six & Ware Shoals
Does not provide curbside household garbage collection
Does not maintain stoplights or signalization
Does not have the authority to waive fees without County Council approval
Does not provide animal control services
Does not pick up dead animals on any street or road other than County maintained roads