Greenwood City/County Comprehensive Plan 2035
The Greenwood City/County Comprehensive Plan is an integrated and internally consistent statement of Greenwood County's policies for future growth and development as well as those of the incorporated communities within the County. The Comprehensive Plan is developed within the authority and mandates of the South Carolina Comprehensive Planning Enabling Act of 1994. The Plan addresses the required process and elements provided by the South Carolina Code of Laws, Article 3, Section 6-29-510, within the context of local conditions. The document is comprised of elements, presented as chapters, which address the specific trends and concerns for each issue area. Upon adoption of the Plan, each local government in Greenwood County assumes the responsibility for implementation, updates, and communication with citizens and agencies regarding the Plan's policies.
Quick Links
Greenwood County Airport Annex
1025 Deadfall Road
Greenwood, SC 29649
Hours: 7:45 -5:30 Monday-Thursday, Closed Friday
Carol Coleman, Planning Director
Phone: (864) 942-8636
Fax: (864) 942-8580
Follow this link to view the livestreamed video of the November 23, 2023 meeting starting at 5:30pm.
The American Planning Association has designated Uptown Greenwood as a Great Place In America.
The Greenwood City/County Planning Department is a multi-jurisdictional planning organization serving Greenwood County, the City of Greenwood, the Towns of Ninety Six, Troy, and Ware Shoals. The Department's function includes comprehensive planning, long-range planning, development review, subdivision review, land use management, census coordination, and other special projects. The Department provides professional expertise to the Joint City/County Planning Commission, the Joint City/County Board of Zoning Appeals, and the City of Greenwood Board of Architectural Review.
For an appointment with the Planning Department Director or Planners, please contact the following number (864) 942-8636.
Our Mission
The Mission of the Greenwood City/County Planning Department is to develop a vision for the future growth and development of the communities we serve by:
Utilizing planning principals that promote rational, economical, and environmentally efficient use of land.
Developing, fostering, and implementing a long-range plan for the built environment through the Comprehensive Plan.
Focusing on economic vitality, environmental integrity, and development design quality through the highest quality master plans, plan implementation, and development review that is complementary to the community's growth pattern.
Providing professional advice and technical expertise to elected officials, appointed boards and commissions, city and county departments, and citizens to assist in understanding and addressing key community issues and priorities.
Providing high-quality, effective, professional planning services to property owners and the development community with enduring respect of the public trust.
Making Your Comments
Rezonings, variances, and certain other development-related requests are considered at public hearings before various boards, and commission or the Council itself.
The most effective way to express your opinion about one of these items is to appear in person at the public hearing. After the introduction of the item, the person chairing the meeting will open the public hearing and specifically ask for comments on that item. You will be asked to give your name and address, and will usually be asked to limit your remarks to five minutes. When a group of individuals share a concern, it is preferable to have a spokesperson for the group. Such a group spokesperson will generally be given a greater amount of time to speak.
If you cannot attend the public hearing, you may send a letter with your concerns. Letters should be addressed to the attention of the body considering the request, in care of the Planning Department at 528 Monument Street, Room B-01, Greenwood, SC 29646, and should reference the case number or provide other description of the project under review. Your letter will be forwarded to the members of the body that will hold the public hearing and will be placed in the project file. Letters are not routinely read aloud at the public hearing.
While staff members are available to answer your questions regarding the agenda item, they cannot forward any verbal concerns to the public hearing body. All comments must be made in person at the public hearing or in writing.
If you have a disability that requires any special materials, services, or assistance, please contact our office at (864) 942-8636 so that appropriate accommodations may be arranged.
Historic Resources
Greenwood County was formed in 1897 from portions of Abbeville and Edgefield counties, which had originally been part of the old Ninety-Six District. The name Greenwood comes from a plantation of that same name, owned by John McGehee, dating back to 1824. The arrival of the railroad in 1852 stimulated agriculture production and textile manufacturing in our area, spurring a period of rapid growth and development beginning around 1890.
Today, Greenwood County takes great pride in preserving its unique history. Greenwood is a Certified Local Government, which in partnership with the National Park Service helps to facilitate local preservation funding, training and education. Greenwood also has local ordinances to help preserve its most historic areas. Any exterior changes made to properties in these districts must first receive a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Board of Architectural Review.
Historic Overlay Districts
Uptown Greenwood Overlay District
Certificate of Appropriateness Application
Historic Resources Inventory - National Register Listings
Old Greenwood Village Inventory
Uptown Greenwood Inventory

Lake Greenwood Master Plan
The Lake Greenwood Master Plan is an initiative between Greenwood and Laurens Counties to provide a cooperative vision for the future of Lake Greenwood. In working with various partners such as Connect Lake Greenwood and Preserving Lake Greenwood, many of the goals within the plan have been implemented. Within the first three years, 14 projects have been completed with even more planned in the near future.
Permitting a New Building
Contact Planning Department
Allowable Uses in Zoning Districts
Re-zoning Application 864-942-8765
Temporary Sign Permit 864-942-8631
BZA Variance Form 864-942-8631
Contact Building Department
Building Permit 864-942-8424
Certificate of Occupancy 864-942-8424
City Business License 864-942-8419
Contact Engineering Department
Storm water Review 864-942-8639
Flood Permit 864-942-8639
Possible Permits Needed
Erosion Control, contact DHEC @ 864-942-3600
PERC Test, contact DHEC @ 864-942-3600
Planning Commission
The Joint Planning Commission of Greenwood County is the local body that makes recommendations concerning the physical, social, and economic growth, development and redevelopment of the community. By South Carolina Code, the local planning commission has the responsibility to prepare and periodically revise plans and programs for development and redevelopment.
Specifically, the Joint Planning Commission prepares and recommends for adoption by the appropriate governing body:
Zoning ordinances including maps and amendments.
Regulations for the subdivision or development of land and amendments and to oversee the administration of these regulations.
An official map and amendments showing the exact location of existing or proposed public streets, highways, and utility rights-of-way, and public building sites, together with regulations to control the erection of buildings or other structures or changes in land use.
A landscaping ordinance setting forth required planting, tree preservation, and other aesthetic considerations for land and structures.
A capital improvements program setting forth projects required to implement plans, including an annual listing of priority projects for consideration by the governmental bodies responsible prior to the preparation of the capital budget.
Policies and procedures to facilitate implementation of planning elements.
The Planning Commission is made up of 15 members who are appointed by the various local governments: 7 appointments from Greenwood County, 5 appointments from the City of Greenwood, and 1 appointment each from the Towns of Ninety Six, Troy, and Ware Shoals. These appointments are based on the population distribution throughout the County.
The Planning Commission holds regular meetings on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 5:30 p.m. in Council Chambers of the Greenwood County Courthouse in accordance with a schedule that is approved at the beginning of the year.
The Planning Commission meetings include public hearings on various items on the agenda. These items typically require public notification in a local newspaper, posting of signs on the subject property, and written notification to adjacent property owners.
Long-range planning items and rezoning requests are reviewed by the Planning Commission and a recommendation is made to the appropriate county, city, or town council. The county, city, or town council reviews the requests with the Planning Commission recommendation and may either approve the item after two or three readings (dependent upon the jurisdiction), amend the item, deny the request, or table the item for further information or study.
Preliminary and final development reviews and variances to the Land Development Regulations are reviewed by the Planning Commission without a public hearing. Once the Planning Commission makes a decision on these items, it is approved or denied and does not go through the county, city, or town councils.
Planning Commission Members
Greenwood City/County Joint Planning Commission
Term of Office: Staggered Terms
Membership: Appointed by Councils
Responsibilities: Long-Range Growth and Development of the County
Meeting Schedule: Fourth Tuesday of each month 5:30 pm Veterans Auditorium of the Greenwood County Library
Staff Liaison: Carol Coleman, AICP, Planning Director
Nov 1, 2023
City of Greenwood
Bryson Bouknight
Nov 1, 2024
City of Greenwood
Marvin Hughes
Nov 1, 2024
City of Greenwood
Tiffany Goodman-Stevens
Nov 1, 2024
City of Greenwood
Toya Davis
Nov 1, 2023
City of Greenwood
James Jones
Nov 1, 2023
Greenwood County - At-Large
Jim Medford
Nov 1, 2025
Greenwood County - District 1
Christine Martin
Nov 1, 2024
Greenwood County - District 2
Lynn Brooks
Nov 1, 2024
Greenwood County - District 3
Felicia Kinard-Hull - Vice
Nov 1, 2024
Greenwood County - District 4
James Charles - Chair
Nov 1, 2023
Greenwood County - District 5
Sloan Griffin
Nov 1, 2023
Greenwood County - District 6
Troy Fields
Nov 1, 2024
Greenwood County - District 7
Chip Tinsley
Nov 1, 2024
Town of Ninety Six
Loretta Rohlinger
Jan 1, 2023
Town of Ware Shoals
John Lake
Appointed By
Board of Zoning Appeals
The Joint Board of Zoning Appeals for Greenwood County is the local body that considers and makes decisions concerning:
Appeals where it is alleged there is an error in an order, requirement, decision, or determination made by the staff in the enforcement of the zoning ordinance.
Appeals for variance from the requirements of the zoning ordinance when strict application of the provisions of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship.
Special exceptions as allowed within the zoning ordinance.
The Board may grant a variance in an individual case of unnecessary hardship if the Board finds:
There are extraordinary and exceptional conditions pertaining to the particular piece of property.
These conditions do not generally apply to other property in the vicinity.
Because of these conditions, the application of the ordinance to the particular piece of property would effectively prohibit or unreasonably restrict the utilization of the property.
The authorization of the variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property or to the public good, and the character of the district will not be harmed by the granting of the variance.
The Board of Zoning Appeals is made up of 9 members who are appointed by the various local governments: 4 from Greenwood County, 2 from the City of Greenwood, and 1 each from the Towns of Ninety Six, Troy, and Ware Shoals. These appointments are based on the population distribution throughout the County.
The Board of Zoning Appeals holds regular meetings on the first Monday of every month at 5:30 p.m. in Council Chambers of the Greenwood County Courthouse in accordance with a schedule that is approved at the beginning of the year.
The Board of Zoning Appeals meetings include public hearings on all items on its agenda. These requests require public notification in a local newspaper, posting of signs on the subject property, and written notification to adjacent property owners.
The Board is the final review authority for variances to the zoning ordinance; Board of Zoning Appeals items do not go before county, city, or town councils. Appeals of the Board's decisions may by made to Circuit Court within 30 days of receipt of notification to the applicant of the decision of the Board.
Board of Zoning Appeals Members
Greenwood City/County Board of Zoning Appeals
Term of Office: 3 years, staggered
Membership: Appointed by Council
Responsibilities: Review of Appeals to the County, City or Town Zoning Ordinances
Meeting Schedule: First Monday of each month in Veterans Auditorium of the Greenwood County Library at 5:30 PM
Staff Liaison: Carol Coleman, AICP, Planning Director
Jan 1, 2024
City of Greenwood
James Jones
Jan 1, 2024
City of Greenwood
Marcelle Tompkins-Bryant
Jan 1, 2024
City of Greenwood
Annette Edwards
Nov 1, 2023
Greenwood County
F. R. Rushton, Chair
Nov 1, 2022
Greenwood County
Tina Escalona
Nov 1, 2024
Greenwood County
Steve Coleman
Nov 1, 2023
Greenwood County
Richard Thomason
Nov 1, 2024
Town of Ninety Six
Steve Turner
Nov 1, 2022
Town of Ware Shoals