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Greenwood County

South Carolina

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How to Appear on Council Agendas

Sec. 2-2-9. - Appearances, presentations and petitions.

(a) Any person desiring to be heard during the regular council meeting must submit his request to the clerk to council to 12:00 noon on the Thursday preceding the next regular council meeting scheduled for the following Tuesday, notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection (e) hereinbelow.

(b) Each request must give the name and address of the person appearing, the nature of his presentation, and the estimated time length for the presentation.

(c) If a presentation should be made on behalf of an organization or group of persons, the organization or group will designate one spokesman to make the presentation on behalf of that particular group or organization.

(d) If the chairman of the council determines that there is insufficient time available for a personal appearance at a particular meeting, he may schedule the personal appearance for any subsequent meeting, considering the availability of time. The chairman may, in his discretion, establish time limits for any presentation or personal appearance.

(e) During the public comment period, as specified on the agenda of a regular meeting of the Council, a member of the public may speak on any listed item appearing on the agenda, with the exception of personnel matters, by signing a speakers list maintained by the clerk to Council prior to the start of the public comment period. The speaker must identify the agenda item to which they will be speaking. No speaker will be allowed to speak to multiple agenda items. At the discretion of the Chairman or presiding officer, the length of the time for any speaker's presentation may be limited and the number of speakers also may be limited.

(f) Once an individual or the spokesman for a group concludes his presentation or comments made pursuant to either Subsection (a) or (e) hereinabove, he shall be seated, and no person other than a member of the council will be recognized to make any statement on such matter unless requested to do so by the Council or by any member of the council through the Chairman. 

(g) This procedure shall not be applicable to representatives of the news media, nor shall it apply to council staff members or other county employees who may be recognized by the chairman for questions and comments relating to the business of the council.

(h) No matter shall be entered on the agenda or heard by the council unless it is within the council's authority or jurisdiction, provided that the council may entertain requests that it make recommendations to other governmental bodies, departments or agencies.

(Ord. No. 2-79, 2-20-79; Code 1980, § 2-2-9; Ord. No. 2013-23, 4-2-2013)

 Susan McIntyre, Clerk to Council

 600 Monument Street, Box P-103

 Greenwood, SC 29646

 Telephone: 864-942-8507

 Fax: 864-942-8566


Greenwood County Voter Registration & Elections Office will conduct a public test of the central count ballot scanners

6/14/22, 2:00 PM

6/14/22, 3:30 PM


Greenwood County Voter Registration & Elections Office will conduct a public test of the central count ballot scanners

2022 Primary Election

6/14/22, 2:00 PM

6/15/22, 2:30 AM


2022 Primary Election


Storm Recovery Update: Permit Fee Waivers and Debris Removal Progress

2/6/25, 9:30 PM

Storm Recovery Update: Permit Fee Waivers and Debris Removal Progress

Greenwood County and the City of Greenwood Compete in Annual Food Drive

1/17/25, 11:15 PM

Greenwood County and the City of Greenwood Compete in Annual Food Drive

Greenwood County Residents Eligible for Property Tax Review Following Hurricane Helene

12/18/24, 9:45 PM

Greenwood County Residents Eligible for Property Tax Review Following Hurricane Helene


The County Council meets at 5:30 PM on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Meetings are held in the Greenwood County Library American Veteran's Auditorium unless otherwise advertised. Minutes and agendas council meetings are available in video format on-line after approval.

To find Agendas and Minutes information please click the blue hyperlink below or choose Agendas and Minutes on the right side of the page under Quick Links.

Navigating the Google Drive.

Open the County Council folder. In this location the council meetings are organized by year. Locate the desired year and access that folder to find all of the County Council meetings for that year. At any point you may right click a folder and use the "Search Within" feature to search for specific topics or keywords within that folder. 

Duplicate dates for Agendas and/or Minutes may be the result of Special Meetings or Amendments. These entries will be shown in the list with a (2) after the date. 

Should assistance be needed for the hearing/visually impaired, please call 864-942-8507.

To view a pdf map of each County Council District, please click their District Number below. 

Want to find out who your County Council Member is? Follow these simple instructions: Go to our Greenwood County GIS Website. Click on the Quick Search tab. Enter your name, tax parcel number or address in the search box and hit enter. Once your parcel is displayed in the map, click the Community Info tab above the map and then click inside your parcel. A box will appear on the left side of the screen displaying all of the information about your parcel. Click the + to expand Voter Information

Greenwood County Council Members

District 1
Ms. Teresa Griffin
123 Cardinal Rd.
Greenwood, SC 29646
Office: (864) 942-8507

Cell: (864) 993-2727
Elected Term through December 2026

Mark Allison

District 2
Mr. Mark Allison
5019 Kinard Rd.
Ninety Six, SC 29646
Cell: (864) 377-1500 
Elected Term through December 2026

District 3
Ms. Johanna Bishop
2213 Cambridge Ave. E. 
Greenwood, SC 29646
Phone: (864) 941-6160
Office: (864) 942-8507
Elected Term through December 2026

Cathy Miller.jpg

District 4
Ms. Cathy Miller
133 Gatewood Dr.
Greenwood, SC 29646
Office: (864) 942-8507
Elected Term through December 2028

Dayne Pruitt

District 5
Mr. Dayne Pruitt, Vice Chairman
18 Roxanna Drive
Ninety Six, SC 29666
Cell: (864) 337-5842
Elected Term through December 2024

Robbie Templeton

District 6
Mr. Robbie Templeton 
210 Yosemite Drive
Greenwood, SC 29649
Cell: (864) 980-8688
Elected Term through December 2024

Theo Lane

District 7
Mr. Theo Lane, Council Chairman 
120 John Drive
Greenwood, SC 29649
Cell: (864) 420-0068
Elected Term through December 2024

Park Plaza

600 Monument street, Box P-103

Suite 102 

Greenwood, SC 29646

Hours: 7:45-5:30 Monday - Thursday, Closed Friday

Susan McIntyre, Clerk to County Council


Phone: (864) 942-8507

Fax: (864) 942-8566

County Council

County Council

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